currently working and studying in shanghai. originated from south east asia, miss singapore very much. life's good, for todayy (:

Thursday 25 September 2008

4 super duper happy days!

My name is Wenyang and to some readers of Lin Luan's blog, i guess i don't need further introduction. =)

Let me bring you through a series of events that took place from 19th to 23th Sept. Those 4 days were unarguably the best 4 days of Lin Luan's life. Opps, mistake, i think it is more like Wenyang's life. Nono, it is the best 4 days of LIN LUAN'S AND WENYANG'S life. =)

19th Sept

Wenyang touched down at Pudong International at 0635. Rushed to clear immigration. The moment he cleared immigration, he dashed for the Maglev. Boarded the Maglev at 0710 and the Maglev left at around 0715. Made a Shanghai friend on board the train, spoke a little, but wasn't paying much attention to what my new friend was talking about. Because in 20 mins time, i was about to see my Darling. Yes, my Darling. I've waited for sooo long for this day to come! Maglev (350km/h) was fast. Within 7-8 mins, i was at LongYang station. I made yet another dash to the guardhouse of Lin Luan's apartment. By the time i arrived at the guardhouse, i was perspiring like a pig. And there i stood waiting for SernSiang to come pick me up. Original plan was to have SernSiang pick me up at the guardhouse and together we head back to the house to surprise Lin Luan. But guess what!! When i saw SernSiang, he had Lin Luan, Hazel and Ziming with him too! I was happy and shy at the same time to see Lin Luan with so many of her friends around her. But without further ado, we gave each other a hug. Yes, the hug was good. The last time i hugged her was 23rd July. That's like almost 2 months ago. Finally, finally, finally!

I then attended lessons with Lin Luan, SernSiang, Peiyu and Ziming at Fudan University. The lecture was kinda boring (okay, more like cause my Chinese sucks and catch no ball what the lecturer was talking about). But i do have proof that the lesson was boring, i will post the picture of Lin Luan, Peiyu, Ziming and SernSiang sleeping in lesson later (the pic is still in my phone, usb cable not with me at home). Wahahaha!


Sleeping in class!!


SernSiang's Pride in Fudan


Fudan Twin Towers, nice hor!! The setting of the place very nice!! Like Europe!!


Miss Lim & Mr Lu

After lunchbreak, we were supposed to head to Shanghai Museum for a tour (part of the afternoon programme for the day by Fudan). But the 5 of us ponteng!! Wahahaha!! We sneaked out via the speciality store exit in the museum while the rest were still in the q to get into the museum.

Dear and I then headed to have dinner at Ajisen at Raffles City. Yes, Raffles City, the shopping mall owned by our very local Capitaland. SernSiang, Peiyu and Ziming headed home. Leaving the two lovebirds with some personal time. Hehe.

Btw, the Ajisen meal was satisfying!! Cause it only costed like 5oRMB, for both of us!! I even added an extra egg (ok, i sound gian ben here, but it was really satisfying!!) We then headed down the shopping belt of Shanghai (Nanjing). Next up was famous brand mall where we shopped at Uniqlo. Bought some things for our friends back home. We then left for the Bund. Yep yep, the bund. First memorable point at the Bund was the first macdonalds kiosk. Wink wink!

Lin Luan and I strolled almost the whole of the Bund mann!! Looking for the place to board the ferry that will give us a tour of the Bund. We walked and walked and walked and walked and finally, we found a ferry terminal!!! Yes, finally a ferry terminal!! When we went to the ticket booth to check out the price of a ticket, guess what!!?? It was only RMB 0.5 a person!! So 2 tickets only cost RMB 1!! Yes, that's like SGD20cents!! For a moment i still thought the goverment subsidised our ride. Maybe that's to encourage couples to date more or something! Heh. We bought the ticket and happily went on board the vessel!! To our horror (okay, maybe horror is exaggerating, we were laughing more than being scared), we stepped onto a single deck in the vessel without any lights. And with us were many motorcycles and workers (chinese version of Banglas). Ohh!! So this ride is to transport workers from one side of the bund to another side!! No wonder so cheap lah!!! The ride was only 3 minutes btw. It was quite an experience though! As long as i'm with a special someone, whatever we do and wherever we are, it'll always be special and meaningful. =)

The ride brought us over to the other side of the Bund (from Pudong to PuXi). It's so hard to get a cab on Puxi side lah!! But we still managed to get one after some waiting and we told the cab driver that we wanted to go to the place to purchase tickets to board the sightseeing ferry. The cab driver brought us there (it was a super short drive, 2 mins?). And there we purchased the tickets (7oRMB for one, 140 for two). What a price difference from the RMB1 for two tickets. Heh. We were then taken from the ticket booth to the ferry terminal in a minivan (as though like they gonna sell us away kind of feeling, and they made me sit in front with the driver with my Darling left alone with some Argentinians). Thank God the ride wasn't long. I didn't feel good allowing Dear to sit alone behind without me. We did make friends with the Argentinians before boarding the ferry cause Dear, being a nice girl, volunteered to help the Argentinians take photos and that's how we started some small talk with them.

We then boarded the ferry, it consisted of 3 decks. Only the open deck was open air and oh mann, it sure was crowded!! The ride was about an hour. But the time passed fast with someones in my arms ==> fastforwarded.

After the ride and the beautiful night skyline of Shanghai, we headed over to the XinTianDi (also know as French Concession East). Went to the Luna where a Phillipino band was performing. Music was kinda noisy, but then again, the company made my night. =) We ordered one calamari, one onion rings, 1 harbin (Dear) and 1 Carona. The serving size of the calamari and onion rings are easily enough for 5 people mann!! We could not finish the onion rings in the end. But we had a good time nevertheless! A really good one.

We then cabbed home and that's about all for the first night! =))


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

oh ya!! i forgot to mention that we saw a building specially dedicated to Sern Siang at Fudan!! The SSPCC tower!! Wahaha! Will post that up later!! Heh

Anonymous said...

awwwwwwwwww i am so happy for you two.. big hug! :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Yuyin!! =)

Anonymous said...

walau buay tahan si bei rou ma. my hairs are standing.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! oh man wy, that's very very very rou ma!! HAHAHA! bt, im very very happy for the 2 of you too!! HAHA!

ps: miss you kaloso!

Anonymous said...

hahaha! yeah! im really really happy for the two of you tOoo!! and btw. i can't stand laughing at the fast forward part! hahahahaha!

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous: Rou ma meh? I thought this was the least rou man as possible alr. Heh.

Anonymous said...

QY, you also find it rou ma ah!? Oh mann, but i can't help it! Heh.

Anonymous said...

LSL: The fast forward part nothing much one!! Why you laugh!! Wahahaha!!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA!! okay! it's okay that you can't help it! be as rou ma as u can HAHAHA!!

u 2 lovebirds are happy ppl now!!!

Anonymous said...

update update update!! with pictures!! hahahaha!

limlinluan said...

THANKS FOR UR COMMENTS! and I AM BACK FINALLY! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. and lastly, i can see that you guys are had fun watching show! MY SHOWDOWN. ahhahaa. chickennehnehpoks!

Anonymous said...

ak: kor! who's LSL?! L or S? LWY not blogging anymore??? hehe:)
pictures photos...
can't wait to be back in sg