currently working and studying in shanghai. originated from south east asia, miss singapore very much. life's good, for todayy (:

Thursday 2 October 2008

3rd day of our 4 super duper happy days

3rd day already! Time flies!! Happy time flies, really fast! We two pigs woke up past noon. Sern Siang and Hazel were even worse!! They woke up in the later part of the afternoon!! That makes them the pigs of pigs!! Don't know why, even though we woke up at noon, still very tired!!! We had lunch at home, instant noodles!! =)) It was nice, really nice!! Perhaps it's the hot water that made it special, or rather, the person who boiled the hot water that made it special!! =))

We then left the house for LuJiaBang. As recommended by Dominic (ChengHao made his suit there), Miss Lim and Mr Lu went hunting for a tailor to tailor a suit for Mr Lu as i require a suit for my Buddy Tao Liang's wedding in 2 weeks time. We took the subway there, (my first time on a subway in Shanghai, we have been cabbing for the first 2 days), arrived at LuJiaBang station. The Fabric market where my suit can be tailored was just a 5 mins walk away.

The fabric market is just like Sim Lim Square back in Singapore mann!! Just that the difference is that it is full of shops that sell fabric (that's why called fabric market whattt!!). We did quite a bit of marketing as proposed by Dear. Doing marketing quite shiong mann!! Need to find out price, then touch the fabric, everytime i go into a shop, i just touch a bit here touch a bit there, acting like i know a lot about fabric, but in actual fact, all i can identify is its colour, i left the important task of choosing the fabric to Miss Lim's touch. I trust her. =)) Or rather i just wanted to tailor something that was chosen by her. Any colour, any design, as long as it's chosen by her, i'll be happy to wear it. =)

We then settled in this shop which looks slightly more atas, as compared to most of the other shops around in the market. We asked for the price and the shopkeeper quoted 600 (or was it 680 Dear?), after lotsa effort and time, my dearest teh-pok finally brought it down to 480. Seems like it's the lowest the shopkeeper is willing to let us bargain. We then settled for that price and now, the toughest part!! Time to choose fabric, they have tons of fabric there to be chosen!! How to choose?? Wenyang took the easy and lazy way out!! Wahaha!! He left it to his Darling. (i'm not really that lazy lah!! but like what i said, i just wanted something that was chosen by Miss Lim to wear on my Buddy's big day). After a while, we settled for a dark blue suit with very fine strips (i'm sure i'll look good in it! wink wink!!)

Next, i thought since we were already at the fabric market, must as well make a shirt too. We asked for recommendations from the shopkeeper where we made our suit and she recommended a shop that specially tailors shirt. Nothing much to be mentioned at the shirt shop, we didn't bargain much, think Miss Lim was tired of bargaining, anyway it was only 100rmb for a shirt, at most. Doubt we can do much bargaining here. In the shirt shop, we met this Singaporean couple by chance. The guy was working in HP Shanghai (we didn't ask what the wife is doing). Btw, we identified this couple when the husband first told the wife 'let's go'. They then subsequently spoke in a weird language (guess it!!) France has got Eiffel Tower, Rome has got the colosseum, Malaysia has the twin towers, USA and Canada has got the Grand Canyon, Singapore.................... has got SINGLISH! Wahahaha!! It's really a powerful language, not really that easy to master okay, so many ang mohs want to learn also got problem LO!! Wahaha! Btw, his office is situated just beside GES where my Dearest works). So China isn't that big afterall huh!?? Like real, China is really really huge, this is really just pure coincidence lah!!

This couple was singing the praises of this one tailor that they always frequent!! Say he this very good la, that very good la. That made Dear and me think, wah peh!! Wouldn't it be good if we had met this couple earlier (btw, this couple both round round one, their actions very comical and can tell that they are nice people). Then we decided, why not make another suit, since it is not really that expensive. This tailor charges 600rmb (slightly more expensive than the one before, but if the quality and worksmanship is good, it's worth it isn't it?). So we followed Mrs Lim (the round lady, not my Dearest, my Dearest will never have a chance to be Mrs Lim! wink) to the Tailor Shun (Stall #198). When we arrived there, she greeted the tailor and his assistant like they very 'arh ga liao'! Can joke and talk cock kind. Anyway, after we settled on the price of rmb600. We thanked her and she left us and rejoined her husband Mr Lim back in the shirt shop.

This time we chose a brown suit. We didn't have any colour in mind when choosing. But brown wasn't a bad choice as the brown blazer can be worn out casually with jeans. Sure very shuai one!! Haha. Time spent at Tailor Shun's stall was very short. We left shortly and on the way out of the market. We bought 2 scarfs for my Grandma and one for my Darling.

Miss Lim was complaining that her stomach was making noises. And being the super paranoid other half, i was afraid that her stomach will give her problems. So i quickly whipped out my Lonely Planet (the one that saboed me on the second night) guide and chose 'Paul' at French Concession East since i thought we have never been there. But when we arrived, i realized that French Concession East is XinTianDi where we went on the first night la!! Chey!! But either way, 'Paul' was still a nice experience. 'Paul' is quite atas also, i thought it's just another normal bakery. It turns out to be a French bakery that is mostly frequented by expats in Shanghai. Since Miss Lim was hungry, i went to order quite a bit of food! Only after paying and sitting down, i then realize that the food not really that cheap mann. I almost made a hungry woman a angry woman!! Wahahaha! BUT, Dear's stomach is way more important than money! Even if i have to eat grass, i must also fill her stomach!! And i can eat grass cause my stomach is stronger than hers!! (i know your throat's better than mine lah). Eating grass is overexaggerating btw!! The meal wasn't really expensive, just slightly above what an average meal will cost us.... in Singapore! Haha.

Just some random pictures




To be continued.... plane's landing in 5 mins!!! =))))))))))))))))))))))))

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